Concerns have surfaced following a recent petition calling for a 100 mph speed limit on motorways.
John Kushnik, Legal Operations Director at National Accident Helpline, stated that the potential law change raises “significant concerns” for road safety.
Raising the speed limit from the current 70 mph has been an ongoing discussion looking to improve traffic and help people reach their destinations sooner.
A petition on the Parliament website, created by Elouise Marie Auld, proposes a 100 mph limit on motorways and an 80 mph limit on dual carriageways. The petition has 6,000 signatures so far and needs to reach 10,000 signatures by June 2024, where the government will then be required to respond.
Past suggestions have included a rise to 80 mph or 90 mph, with the German “Autobahn” system used as an example to follow. Germany’s motorway system has a recommended maximum speed of 80 mph, however, there are sections of the road where there is no legal speed limit.
Kushnik responded to the petition: “Higher speeds lead to slower reaction times and increased severity of collisions.
“While superficial, it offers an opportunity to improve productivity and efficiency for some, it also heightens the risk of accidents and fatalities which, in reality, will reduce any such gains.”
Instead of speed limits, Kushnik argues we should be focusing on other ways to decrease congestion. He recommends: “Investing in infrastructure improvements, public transportation, and promoting safer driving habits would be more beneficial for overall road safety and efficiency. Any adjustments to speed limits must prioritise the well-being of all road users and consider the broader impact on society.”
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