Councils up and down the country have issued warnings to road users ahead of winter to remind them to take extra care when travelling around this time of year.
The number of accidents on our roads increases during the winter months and with the clocks having gone back last weekend, shorter days and darker nights are drawing in earlier by the day. With the winter months rapidly approaching, councils are reminding the public of how this affects their safety when using the roads and what has to be done in order to stay safe.
North Yorkshire and South Gloucestershire councils have both launched campaigns advising road users on how they can make themselves more visible when using the roads. Don Mackenzie, Executive Member for Road Safety at North Yorkshire County Council, has urged drivers to properly prepare for driving in the dark: ”Before travelling in darkness people should make sure their vehicle lights are working and clean.
“It’s about seeing and being seen, and all road users – including pedestrians – can play their part.”, he added.
North Yorkshire Council have provided advice to all road users, including cyclists and pedestrians on how they can be more visible when using the roads during dark nights. They have advised pedestrians to wear bright and reflective clothes and for dog walkers to use high-vis dog leads and flashing collars.
Cyclists are also advised to wear bright, reflective clothing and to fit their bikes with a white light on the front and a red light on the back. Motorcyclists are advised to adopt a more central, “dominant” position in the road and to wear brightly coloured helmets.
South Gloucestershire Council has also been taking action. They have visited over 60 schools to educate kids how they can stay safe on the roads in winter, delivering “be seen” assemblies to primary school pupils and giving away free bicycle lights to secondary school pupils.