The latest statistics from road safety charity, Brake, show that there were 1,766 deaths on UK roads last year, a 10% increase from the previous year. Deaths caused by breaking the speed limit also rose by a significant 20%.
As a result, the charity is urging everyone to consider their speeding habits when driving. Their recent survey reveals that despite 92% of drivers stating that speed limits are crucial, over a third admit to sometimes or often driving over the speed limit. On top of this, a huge 40% believe that driving a few miles per hour over the speed limit doesn’t make a difference.
Ross Moorlock, Interim CEO, said: “Road death is sudden. It’s traumatic. It sends shockwaves across families, schools, workplaces and communities. Today, five people will be killed on our roads. And tomorrow, another five won’t make it home to their families. And so on, and so on, until we all say ‘Enough!’ and start taking responsibility for each other’s safety on the road.
“The speed we choose to drive at can mean the difference between life and death. Our speed dictates whether we can stop in time to avoid a crash, and the force of impact if we can’t stop.
“Whoever you are, and however you travel, I urge you to join the conversation and talk about speed. Please talk to as many people as you can to find out why, when five people die on our roads every day, so many of us still choose to drive too fast.”
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