Idle Threats: Over 20% of Drivers Admit to Idling Engines
Over a fifth of drivers admit to idling, meaning they regularly leave their engine running while their vehicle is not in motion.
New research from CWC Environmental for Idling Action London …Read More
Everything but the CarbonSink: Shell launches new zero-carbon Bitumen
Oil and gas multinational, Shell, has recently launched a new type of carbon-reducing bitumen that incorporates an innovative bio-component binder. Bitumen CarbonSink locks carbon into asphalt and bitumen, turning the …Read More
Robo-deliveries: Oxford developers complete testing of first AI delivery vehicles
Oxford-based automation firm, Oxbotica, has completed its first self-driving, zero-occupancy vehicle testing on public roads in Europe.
The fully autonomous electric vehicle, Oxbotica Driver, is fully operational without the need for …Read More
Roadworks on hold for Queen’s celebrations: commuters set for smoother journeys this long weekend
National Highways gears up for the Queen’s 70th Jubilee celebrations by lifting almost 1,000 miles of roadworks across the UK.
From the 2nd to the 5th of June, the nation will …Read More
No parking: New trial prevents parents from driving kids to school
Cars will soon be banned from driving and parking on the roads close to a Newcastle primary school. Newcastle City Council has said that the streets will be closed to …Read More
Scoot along: reform to e-scooter legislation set for 2022
The government has announced plans to reform its legislation on private e-scooters in a bid to regulate their use and improve road safety. This includes guidance for electric scooter owners, …Read More
Pipe down! Boy racers banished with new trial to combat rowdy engines
A new trial launched by the government will aim to combat noise pollution caused by loud engines and exhausts on Britain’s rowdiest roads.
New noise camera technology is set to be …Read More
UK’s first full sized driverless buses hit the roads in Scotland
The UK’s first full-sized autonomous bus will be trialled in Scotland this month to prepare for a pilot service in the summer. On-road tests have been given the green light …Read More
Red Alert: Traffic light repair costs could total over £80m. Will upgrades be given the green light?
The Transport Technology Forum (TTF) calls for more reliable, cost-effective upgrades to be installed as it is found that repairing England’s traffic lights could cost up to £80m.
These findings are …Read More
Trial, trial, trial again: will carbon reduction trials transition to long-term strategy?
Key figures in the Highways industry have called upon councils to commit to better, long-term strategies to reduce carbon emissions.
At the Road Surface Treatments Association’s annual conference this month, industry …Read More